
Connecting World-Class Talent with Progressive Companies

Sign up today to join our Analytics & Insights Talent Community - the revolution has begun!

Our Clients Need Talent!

The workplace has changed, and CPG manufacturers, retailers and agencies are now actively seeking talent of all types and availability.  Please read to learn more.

More control over income

• Supplement current income
• Steady income with minimal long-term commitment
• Get paid what you’re worth

Control over work commitments

 Minimize the stress associated with work
• Control the number of hours you work

Control over growth

 Take charge of your own personal growth and development
• Create a diverse collection of experiences and skillsets

Build your own business

 Create the foundation for your own business
• Create a business around your unique or specialized skills

Control over opportunities

 Pick types of companies to work for/ projects to work on
• Take on projects that leverage your unique skills and/or the work you enjoy doing

Stake your independence

 Be your own boss
• Run your own business
• Maintain your independence

Maintain life – work balance

 Create freedom in pursuing how and where you work
• As an alternative to a conventional job
• Avoid the brick and mortar rat race

Tailor work for lifestage

 Ease your transition back into work 
• Flexibility to spend time with your family 
• Provide meaningful experiences in “retirement”



Seeking the Following Candidates:


Benefits for Candidates

We connect CPG analytics & insights professionals like you,
with important and exciting opportunities at big & small CPG/FMCG firms

talent benefits

Benefits for Hiring Companies

Providing companies with the expert talent, flexibility, affordability and agility
they need in our new marketing environment

hiring benefits

How We Work

Connecting world-class analytics & insights talent with progressive organizations isn't easy...
but it's easy for you!

how it works

If you are ready to take on a new project, a new full time role, staff a current vacancy, or just learn what "possible" might look like - we want to connect!